MR. ROBOT follows Elliot Alderson (Rami Malek), a young cyber-security engineer who becomes involved in the underground hacker group fsociety, after being recruited by their mysterious leader (Christian Slater). Following the events of fsociety’s hack on multi-national company Evil Corp, the second season will explore the consequences of that attack as well as the illusion of … [Read more...]
Hyperloop One demonstrates Propulsion Open Air Test
Hyperloop One performed a seconds long demonstration of the propulsion system that will move the Hyperloop technology along the tracks. You can see the video below. Hyperloop uses levitating pods over electricity and magnets at more than 700 MPH through tubes. The technology and thought was offered up by Elon Musk to anybody interested. Hyperloop One is a startup hoping to … [Read more...]
Linus Torvalds TED Talks
If you would like to hear from 'the mind behind Linux', you can watch this Ted Talks interview with Linus Torvalds. He has fundamentally changed computing as so much of the Internet infrastructure runs off of Linux, Git is huge for software development, and other influences he has on the world. Check out the video embedded … [Read more...]
Official trailer for ‘Snowden’ shows Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Edward Snowden
The official trailer for Snowden was released today. The movie will be in theaters September 16th. Academy Award®-winning director Oliver Stone, who brought Platoon, Born on the Fourth of July, Wall Street and JFK to the big screen, tackles the most important and fascinating true story of the 21st century. Snowden, the politically-charged, pulse-pounding thriller starring … [Read more...]
Dropbox demo of Project Infinite
Dropbox showed off a preview of an upcoming Dropbox feature. It will allow people to use their familiar operating system file explorer to see all of the content that they have access to without having to have a local copy on their hard drive. The cloud icon will indicate that you can open the file and stream it from the Internet. Alternatively, if you want to ensure that you … [Read more...]