Intel presented a video timeline on the history of their 'bunny suits', the suits worn to limit contaminants in their fabrication plants. Ever wonder why Intel lab workers look like they're about to blast off into space? Those outfits they're wearing are called "bunny suits," and they wear them not to protect themselves, but to … [Read more...]
Sophos video promotes SysAdmin day
Sophos is gearing up for SysAdmin day, the last Friday of July. They have pretty cool socks you can get by registering for an account and a contest for the ultimate IT throne. This video sings the praises of SysAdmins and IT Pros for dealing with the users that aren't willing to help themselves. You can register for those cool … [Read more...]
Watch “The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz” on YouTube
The documentary about Aaron Swartz, The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz has been available for renting on streaming services like Amazon Instant Video for a while. Now it's available in full to stream for free on YouTube thanks to The Documentary Network. The film follows the story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From Swartz's help in … [Read more...]
CNBC’s “Amazon Rising” documentary about
CNBC aired an hour (with commercials) documentary by David Faber about the start and rise of Amazon Rising was up to date including the recently announced Amazon Fire Phone. It aired on Sunday, June 29th and Monday, June 30th. I was able to record and watch it from that original airing. It is airing for repeat airing on … [Read more...]
Apple iPhone ad showcases how the smartphone role has expanded for parents
When you are frustrated with your device, you might ask how it can be called a smartphone. It can seem like it's smart about everything but making and receiving phone calls. On the bright side, how many other things can they do now? Phone calls might be a staple that often gets overlooked for all of the other whiz-bang features but you have to admit, they can do some pretty … [Read more...]