This video from GE aired before a movie I watched yesterday. It's 2 minutes long and covers quite a tale that I felt like I didn't need to watch a movie afterwards. Several people were hoping it was a movie trailer with a longer version coming out soon. The Boy Who Beeps shows a boy who grows up with the ability to talk to machines. Many of us might feel similarly able to talk … [Read more...]
Things IT people never say
This video plays on some stereotypes but also emphasizes some common IT/end user interactions that we're all probably familiar with. "Submitting multiple tickets does actually get it done faster." … [Read more...]
Japan Robot Week shows the future now
The Japan Times has a video demonstrating some of the cool robots that Japan has to offer at the Japan Robot Week 2014 exhibition in Tokyo this week. Many of the robots are focused around nursing care for the aging population but there are still a wide variety of robots. Robots can be involved in all sorts of activities including education or training, entertainment, rescue, … [Read more...]
Intel tries to train against clicking bad links
October is National Cyber Security Awareness month. Intel has a campaign called #ClickSmart where they are trying to educate people about bad links that can lead to them becoming victims of cybercrime. They use examples of phishing emails, scams on social networks, bad texts, search results, and other places for dangerous links. This video shows a few Californians taking the … [Read more...]
Adobe on the creative future
Adobe released this video to demonstrate the Adobe Creative Cloud on a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 and what they picture the future to look like for creators. … [Read more...]