A new video series launched on YouTube to understand the original Nintendo Game Boy. This episode focuses on the CPU but provides some good context for the Game Boy versus Sega Genesis world and why Nintendo won despite having the less powerful hardware. The video gets a little bogged down in details about Assembly but it's good information that gives the full picture of the … [Read more...]
Microsoft video series chronicles the development of Galaxy Explorer app for Hololens
Microsoft is releasing episodes of a video series to chronicle the development of a Hololens app in 6 weeks with a team of engineers. The app idea was chosen from community voting and is to be a way to explore the galaxy in a tangible way. The first episode covers the brainstorming process that fleshes out the concept. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIX2XrRQgDg Go behind … [Read more...]
Trailer for Alex Gibney’s ‘Zero Days’
The film 'Zero Days' discusses cyber warfare and premiered in Berlin at the Berlin International Film Festival. The movie is directed by Alex Gibney. The Hollywood Reporter describes the film: In the trailer, members of the U.S. and international secret services outline the dangers of cyber war as illustrated by Stuxnet, the computer worm, apparently developed by one or … [Read more...]
IT Love Songs Collection from Sophos
Happy Valentines Day! Sophos can make the special day a little more intimate with classic love songs for the IT Professional. Check out this infomercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QASSpuRrms While they are already sold out, you can download some ring tones or screensavers from sophos.com/lovesongs … [Read more...]
Bitcoin community parodies PayPal ‘New Money’ Super Bowl 50 commercial
During the Super Bowl 50, PayPal aired a commercial claiming to be 'new money'. This is a pretty weak claim if you recall any of PayPal's customer unfriendly moves like blocking donations to WikiLeaks and preventing payments to VPN and DNS providers. Charging a commission for each transaction seems pretty 'old money' to me. The Bitcoin community also targeted this commercial … [Read more...]