McAfee found a trend regarding those older than 50. They tend to over-share online or not have their security/privacy settings dialed back as much as they should. By being too trusting, these individuals may open themselves up to identity theft, fraud, or robbery. The McAfee blog article that reports on this trend also shares some tips to keep safe. Give it a read and make … [Read more...]
Home audio evolves
Logitech created this infographic that covers the evolution of home audio from 1877 to their release of the Logitech Bluetooth Speakers Z600. The audio world has come quite a ways since 1877. (Credit: Logitech) … [Read more...]
Being safe with coin batteries
Here at 404 Tech Support, we are gadget and electronics fanatics. Busy talking about the latest and greatest, one topic that often goes unmentioned is safety regarding electronics. Energizer, the National Safety Council, and a campaign called The Battery Controlled are trying to raise awareness of risks from coin lithium batteries. Particularly if ingested by children, these … [Read more...]
Deciding between a responsive site or a mobile app
If you are developing a new product, you might be weighing the advantages or restrictions on where you make your investment. Do you build a responsive website that looks great on any device or do you need more customization with a native app. They both have their benefits to consider. This infographic takes them through 10-rounds for a better understanding of apps vs responsive … [Read more...]
Don’t forget security for each device
Kaspersky Labs created this infographic to provide some numbers on security threats to all devices. PCs, Macs, tablets, and smartphones are at risk from malware and other security breaches. (Credit: Kaspersky) … [Read more...]