Did you make a New Year's resolution to finally fix something on your WordPress site or to add a cool feature that you have seen on other sites? Perhaps this has nothing to do with the new year but you're interested in adding new features to your WordPress site. Here is a list of plugins that are not exactly brand new but they could be new to your site. The added functionality … [Read more...]
WordPress 3.5 released with better media handling
WordPress 3.5 is hot off the presses. The latest release provides some enhancements to features that have been in sore need. The media manager is where the most attention was spent and it looks like a worthwhile upgrade for media. This will hopefully make it a more enjoyable experience to write and include media. … [Read more...]
15 Common Mistakes Made by WordPress Users [infographic]
This infographic provides a useful list of common missteps that are made when using WordPress. They're certainly not the end of the world but they either diminish your visitors' experience or possibly compromise your security. If the worst you're doing is making yourself look silly, it could be much worse. Run through the list and you'll probably recognize a few that you've … [Read more...]
EFF guide to surviving a DDoS attack
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has prepared a guide to surviving a Distributed Denial of Service attack to your website. As DDoS attacks become more common, the EFF is trying to assist site owners with preparations to survive an attempt to censor your site. … [Read more...]
Keeping notes on the WordPress Post edit page
Earlier this week, I was once again visiting an old thought of wishing I had a place to keep notes within WordPress. A new site I'm working on requires a particular wrapper around embedded video to make them responsive in size. Instead of bookmarking the documentation or keeping a post draft with the information, I set to looking for a plugin that might suit my needs. This … [Read more...]