I've written two unofficial mods for phpBB3 forums previously that worked very well for those using the Prosilver theme, the MP3 inline attachment mod and the FLV inline attachment mod. Recently, I was asked in the forums how to make them work for the Subsilver2 theme, the other popular theme that many styled themes are based on. After puzzling on it for a long time and … [Read more...]
ClickHeat – Get a HeatMap of Clicks on your Site
If you're looking for an easy way to figure out how your visitors are interacting with your website, you might be interested in ClickHeat. ClickHeat adds a small bit of Javascript to a web page and then will record where clicks occurred, even if they weren't links. This would be important if you've recently redesigned your website and visitors are not finding it as intuitive as … [Read more...]
Sneak Preview of the Coming Google AdSense Interface Overhaul
This morning I received an e-mail from Google AdSense inviting me to check out the new interface they're working on developing in a limited Beta test. I've captured some screenshots to share the sneak preview of the coming changes. It appears to be an overdue overhaul and the e-mail touts these benefits: - Comprehensive performance reports: View your daily stats in graph … [Read more...]
Wibiya – A Toolbar for Your Site That Engages Your Visitors
Wibiya creates a Javascript-powered toolbar that attaches to the bottom of the screen and stays there without any jumping as the user scrolls. Wibiya is currently in invite-only mode, but you can request an invitation be sent to you and a few days later be creating your account, invite in hand. The toolbar improves the user interface of almost every website by providing a … [Read more...]
HTML5 Video and Audio tags BBCode for phpBB
HTML 5 has brought a few cool things with its arrivals. With browsers starting to understand these features and people updating their browsers, we can start to implement some of these items and get them into every day use. The ability to embed audio and video without being required to wrap it in an external player and require that your users also have that plugin is a great … [Read more...]