Readability is a company with the goal of making the Web a more reading-friendly place. Readability removes a lot of the distractions from a website and allows you to format documents the way you like for a consistent and improved reading experience. You can utilize Readability as a web app or a mobile app to remove the distractions or to save something to be read … [Read more...]
Google Launches Website To Simplify Answering Your Parents’ Computer Questions
In The Official Google Blog yesterday, they started off with a story I'm sure most of us can relate to. Heck, in my case, they even got the name right! Any time you go visit family or friends or even with random phone calls, you get inundated with a to-do list of tech support requests. If it's to show them how to include attachments in an e-mail or cleaning up a … [Read more...]
Many Eyes – An IBM Experiment With Data Sets and Visualizations
Started in 2007, Many Eyes has been around for a while but if you're looking for tools with data sets and the ability to render visualizations, it's a definite resource to know about. With a social element to it, you can use data sets others have uploaded or contribute your own. After you've chosen the data set to work with, you can choose a number of different visualizations … [Read more...]
Microsoft Fuse Labs Launches Montage – A Space For Digital, Curated Topics
Microsoft Fuse Labs beta launched an interesting new service today called Montage. Since I can't say it any better than they did: Montage is a flexible web-based service that makes it fun and easy to create and share a visual album of the web on the topics you care about. Montage is a shareable, personal, visual album of the web. You are able to design your personal Montage … [Read more...]
Amazon Starts Black Friday Early, Today Through Friday!
Amazon has already started the Black Friday deals as of this morning. Apparently they couldn't wait for the end of the week to start the madness. Fortunately, with online shopping there's a lot less madness or trampling, plus it tends to be quite a bit warmer than standing outside at 5AM. This year's Black Friday has been dubbed Deals Week and runs today, November 22nd, through … [Read more...]