McAfee's definitions for today, 5958 dated April 21st, has a false positive that is detrimentally affecting computers around the world. The definitions are detecting C:WindowsSystem32svchost.exe as W32/Wecorl.a virus. Svchost.exe, as you may be aware is a critical Windows files that is required for network/Internet communication to work. More info as the story breaks and I … [Read more...]
Adding Languages to Windows Language Bar Through the Registry
I can only read and speak one language but for some reason I am frequently involved in adding more languages to the computers at work. I know how to add languages to Windows XP and yesterday I figured out how to do it solely through the Registry. I was working with a Mandatory Profile so I was able to just load the hive and make the changes but there's no reason this … [Read more...]
Sounds of a Dying Hard Drive
I have a co-worker who is very... skilled at duplicating the sounds that a dying hard drive makes. He might leave the office to respond to a request and return with an "errrnnnt-Kssh! errrnnnt-Kssh!" sound to explain the source of the problem: a failing hard drive. This skill was honed a couple years back when we had about 300 hard drives in Dell's that all failed within 2 … [Read more...]
Ask 404TS: What’s up with “Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?” dialogs?
An interesting question has been posed on the 404 Tech Support forums asking about those pop-up dialogs you might receive every once in a while that start with "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?". The question also asks, "Are there any dangers related to this? Will it install malware? Is there a way to block it automatically?" These are very good questions … [Read more...]
Adobe Acrobat and PDFs with Foreign Languages
A user recently informed me that they were receiving an error message when they tried to view a PDF that apparently had Chinese characters in its text. The message they received was: The Simplified Chinese Language Support Package is required to display this page properly. Under the current configuration, this resource is not available. I was aware of the foreign language … [Read more...]