I was asked by a friend the other day about the details on running a website. From the effort required in maintaining a site to hosting and domain costs and what you should look for in a web server. The best way I could figure to answer all of the questions was to go off the only thing I had on the subject, my experiences running the WordPress-driven 404 Tech Support and a … [Read more...]
Good in Theory, Poor Execution: A/C in the Home Office
This is one of those occasions where I get to tell you that I was wrong. I tried something and it failed. In theory it was sound, would have saved energy, and improved comfort. The plan was to add a window air conditioner in my office at home. With the weather we've already had before even getting to the hot summer months, it sounded like an ideal setup. Unfortunately, like … [Read more...]
How to Remove the Google Background Image
Google has added an image background to www.Google.com and people are not happy about it, judging by the quick climb of the query 'remove google background' in Google Trends. Google allows you to set the background to an image as announced on the Official Google Blog and if you don't set it to something, starting last night, Google sets it to random images for you with no … [Read more...]
How to Hold a Confidential Print Job at a Shared Printer
One of the low hanging fruits of Green IT recommendations is to replace the 'printer at each desk' model with the 'fewer, higher-capacity printers shared amongst an office' model. In my office, we've been trying to follow this recommendation in order to save electricity, reduce maintenance, and provide printers with increased capabilities to my users. Unfortunately, it's not … [Read more...]
PowerPoint Print Out Cuts Off Notes and Blanks Slides
I had an interesting case come across my desk earlier this week involving PowerPoint. It seemed this person wanted to print out the slides along with the notes that they had made. Actually, it gets a little more complicated than that. High-ranking administrator had originally created the PowerPoint and put notes along with each of the slides. After that, the slides were handed … [Read more...]