Ctrl+Alt+Del, the high quality and popular webcomic, changed the URL to its RSS feed at the end of July this year. Many people, including myself, left the old RSS feed address in their RSS feed readers which lay dormant for the past two-plus months. Tonight, causing some confusion, the feed came back to life with 14 posts and counting with content completely unrelated to the … [Read more...]
Remove the Facebook Like Button From All Sites
I don't have a Facebook account and it annoys me when I get redirected there just in my daily browsing (polls, article links, and others) and I can't participate or it requires a few extra clicks to get where I want. Even more annoying than those redirects are having to see the Facebook Like button on tons of different pages. I don't care how many people like something else … [Read more...]
AVG Reports Risks of Web Browsing by Country
AVG, a popular antivirus vendor, released a report showing the risk of web browsing in different countries. There are a number of stats that AVG pulls from the data, which is generated from its customers around the world. That might also leave it open for discussion why the imaginary borders matter and how they change statistical tracking. Different cultures might be more … [Read more...]
Is it Possible to Live by Best Practices?
If there can be Christmas in July then I guess another round of New Years' resolutions in August isn't too far off. For the past couple of weeks I've been trying to live by best practices in a few key areas: following the principle of least privilege, using strong passwords that aren't reused across multiple sites, and using No-Script in my web browser to protect against … [Read more...]
MultiBoot USB: Simplifies Taking Your IT Toolbox With You
Another guest posting over at Freewaregenius today. I really enjoyed writing this article because the tool I found just seems like it will be pretty helpful in my day-to-day work. The tool is called MultiBoot USB and it makes the creation of a bootable USB drive with multiple Linux distributions on it a breeze. For me, this means I can carry GParted, Clonezilla, DBaN, Offline … [Read more...]