In my organization, our networked laser printers are mostly made by HP and we have a large number of them so anything to make managing them and their consumables would be a godsend. One of the things to manage them, HP's Web Jetadmin, has been out there for quite a while but I finally got around to check it out. At this point, anything that can save time and make up for the … [Read more...]
Microsoft Releasing Out Of Band Update to Address LNK Vulnerability Today
Microsoft will be releasing a Windows Update in a couple of hours to address a vulnerability that has been getting a growing amount of press and has also seen an increasing number of attempts to exploit the vulnerability. Announced late last Thursday evening, the Microsoft Security Response Center stated that the release would occur at 10 AM PDT today. We are releasing the … [Read more...]
Deploying Adobe CS5 Products Through Group Policy With The Adobe Application Manager
When the Adobe CS4 products came out, I spent a lot of time looking into how to deploy titles like Photoshop and Dreamweaver. Even using the CS4 Deployment Toolkit, nothing would allow me to create a .msi installer that would work with Group Policy, only for Microsoft Systems Management Server and Apple Remote Desktop. While I'm hoping to get my organization to invest in the … [Read more...]
Happy SysAdmin Day 2010!
Happy SysAdmin Day! Here at 404 Tech Support we've been announcing this day for the past three years running: 2008, 2009, and now 2010. Always the last Friday in July, SysAdmin Day is the day for everybody to show their appreciation to their system administrators. I say, however, why stop at SysAdmins? All of IT deserves some appreciation, from the Help Desk on up to the CIO. … [Read more...]
Deploying Skype to Your Organization via Group Policy
I was unfortunately given the task a while ago to deploy Skype to select computers within my organization. I say 'unfortunately' because I've heard many instances involving Skype that make me cringe with my network administrator hat on. Skype has a 'feature' that takes advantage of its P2P nature that it calls becoming a supernode. A supernode is just a computer that has Skype … [Read more...]