I recently encountered a script (.vbs) that automated a number of steps taken to install the necessary applications onto a fresh computer. The script would first identify if the OS was 32-bit or 64-bit and then run the appropriate script to install compatible apps. Designed with a modular approach, the 32-bit/64-bit script would launch a series of scripts for each application … [Read more...]
Easily log into a local account for a Windows 7 PC joined to a domain
For administrative purposes, you might need to log into a Windows 7 locally after it has been joined to a domain. Unfortunately with the Windows 7 login screen, you have to know the computer name in order to log into those accounts - otherwise, it assumes you want to log into the domain. … [Read more...]
Mozilla agrees to Extended Support Release for Firefox to remain in the enterprise
Mozilla's rapid release schedule that kicks out 8 versions of Firefox a year has caused some consternation amongst enterprise IT Professionals, which came to a head back in July as you might recall. By the release of Firefox 7 an "Extended Support Release" channel was proposed to make Firefox compatible with the workflow of enterprises who needed longer to test software before … [Read more...]
“Incorrect Product Key” Trying to Activate Windows XP
A client's hard drive recently died and I needed to get them up and running quickly. The computer was an older Dell computer and had been built off of the Dell pre-install. I grabbed a new hard drive, a CD that had Windows XP's Service Pack 3 slipstreamed into it, and began the install. When the install reached the point of asking for the product key, I typed in the … [Read more...]
Bug in Group Policy Preferences Rears Its Head Every DST Change
For Earth Day 2010, I delivered a write-up of steps I had taken to green my organization. It was the low-hanging fruit but saved thousands of dollars by turning off over 300 computers when facilities were closed while still allowing remote access through Intel vPro power-on ability and scheduled booting. To complete the shut down process in a flexible way for different … [Read more...]