I've been listening to audiobooks quite a bit lately in order to make long drives a bit more productive and entertaining. Typically these audiobooks come via CD and work fine for the car ride. To make these audiobooks a little more versatile, I've been messing around with ripping them to MP3 format so I can put them on my MP3 player and hold more books . This lets me take them … [Read more...]
Firefox 3.6.12 Available, Addresses Vulnerability 48 Hours After Informed
Mozilla has released version 3.6.12 of its popular web browser Firefox today, less than 48 hours after a 0-day vulnerability was reported. The emergency update addressed an exploit that had been planted on the Nobel Peace Prize website. Mozilla first posted to their Security Blog that they were aware of the issue, were working on a patch, and that the site was being blocked by … [Read more...]
LimeWire Given Injunction To Remove P2P Function, Site Disabled, Successor Found
LimeWire, which remained one of the last standing P2P programs out there after Napster and KaZaA have dropped that option and went legit, was dealt a large blow yesterday as a RIAA-brought lawsuit brought judgement. LimeWire was issued an injunction to remove "the searching, downloading, uploading, file trading and/or file distribution functionality, and/or all functionality" … [Read more...]
How To Install The Disc-less Netflix App on the Sony PlayStation 3
Having covered how to install the app on the Nintendo Wii earlier, here's the walkthrough of how to install the disc-less Netflix app on your PS3. This one requires fewer steps and was a little more straight-forward, in my opinion. Of course, power up your PS3 and choose your PS3 account, if needed. Cycle over to the PlayStation Network menu and hop down to the What's New … [Read more...]
How To Install The Disc-less Netflix App On The Nintendo Wii
Yesterday marked the end of the Netflix Instant Streaming exclusive agreement with Microsoft for the XBox Live service that previously required a disc to be inserted in other consoles like the Sony PlayStation3 and the Nintendo Wii. This post is a quick walkthrough on how to install the disc-less Netflix app for Nintendo Wii. Since it's kind of picture-intensive, I split the … [Read more...]