Despite Adobe's confusing claims earlier this week that Adobe Reader X (pronounced '10') and Acrobat X being available, the software just now became available for download. They just barely made their "within 30 days" promise from October 18th. You can download this latest version of Adobe Reader from the usual site. Unfortunately, the … [Read more...]
Mozilla Wants To Secure All Browsers With Plugin Check
Mozilla offers an expanded version of the Adobe Flash Player check that you might see after a Mozilla Firefox update but this site covers a number of other plugins and works for more browsers than just Firefox. The Plugin Check site checks at least Adobe Flash, Java, QuickTime, Silverlight, Adobe Acrobat, and many other plugins. It will report the version if it's running the … [Read more...]
Deploying Camtasia Studio 7 with Group Policy
I previously documented how to deploy Camtasia Studio 6 with Group Policy and now it's been time to update to version 7 for my organization. There isn't really much of a trick required for the actual deployment of Camtasia. TechSmith provides the installer in the form of a .msi file and it works perfectly well to just deploy that file and have it installed on your client … [Read more...]
Adobe Spares Us From The Download Manager (DLM) With Flash
Adobe released an update to Adobe Flash on Thursday after critical vulnerabilities were identified in the previous version of Common sense and the related Security Bulletin recommended upgrading to the latest version of Adobe Flash, version Upon heading over to the Adobe site, I noticed the site has been a little updated, probably in preparation for the … [Read more...]
A Herculean Effort Against “Cyber Security” Malware in Windows Vista SP1
Last night, I was working on a laptop that was given to me for some freelance tech support with the simple description of "acting like it has a virus and won't connect to the Internet." I got it home and fired up the computer. It definitely had a malware infection but the side effects may have proven to be worse than the actual antivirus. The computer was running Windows Vista … [Read more...]