One of my clients qualify for the avast! Free for Education program. At my suggestion, they applied and were approved. While remaining license compliant with a free antivirus beforehand, as I would come to find out, it didn't quite do the job. Not only did it allow malware onto clients but it also had no central management. It was free and the environment is small enough I … [Read more...]
Google Chrome still won’t allow popups as tabs
I spent some time this weekend looking into a past feature request and minor annoyance that has to do with Chrome. I modified a phpBB installation to keep track and indicate unread posts. I further modified it to be able to open all of those unread threads in a single click. In Firefox and Internet Explorer, the feature works great as it opens a new tab for each thread and … [Read more...]
The Office 2013 license is no longer tied to the life of a PC
As I discussed at length in a previous article weighing whether to buy Office 2013 or subscribe to Office 365, it seemed Microsoft heavily biased the price point and feature list to favor subscribing to Office 365. One of the factors that contributed to that conclusion was the fact that a license for Office 2013 was tied to the life of a device. If a computer fails under … [Read more...]
Surprise! Java updates to 6u43 and 7u17 as the latest
"Yet another Java update" seems to be a trending topic among the security professionals. While it is not surprising that more Java zero days have continued to pop up, it is a little surprising that Oracle went beyond their February 2013 deadline and pushed out a new update for Java version 6. … [Read more...]
How to merge multiple Word documents into one
If you have multiple Word Documents that you wish were in just a single file, you can open each document and copy it into one master document. However, that takes time and has opportunities for mistakes to happen. Instead, Word has a built-in function that allows you to insert text from multiple files. It makes merging a large number of documents into just a few … [Read more...]