Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, you may have noticed that there is no longer a sticker on computers or laptops that tells the Windows product key. Microsoft hopes to have fewer compromised keys by making them less obvious even though manufacturers were getting pretty good at hiding them under batteries or other removable slots on laptops. Alternatively, OEMs like … [Read more...]
Disable back/forward navigation swiping gestures in Google Chrome for Windows
I have previously created a managed kiosk using Google Chrome and was satisfied with the results. The kiosk has a touchscreen and no keyboard or mouse. A lot of things change having a touchscreen attached because Chrome includes built-in gestures. You can tap two finger to get a context menu (right-click). That was disabled with some Javascript on the site to disable … [Read more...]
Use Visio in your documentation with official stencils
Out of date documentation is a bane to system administrators. Bad documentation can almost be worse than no documentation. One way to improve your documentation is to make it visual. This makes it easier to understand at a glance and also means there is less typing to document the information. I always find it helps to remember that documentation might be for you now or others … [Read more...]
A look at the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0 Beta 2
Malwarebytes has been working on the beta version of an update to their Anti-Malware product. The second release of the popular malware fighting product is looking good. Along with a new look to the application, Malwarebytes also improves some functionality of its scanning. Two such examples include scans now cover all user registry hives instead of just HKCU and utilizes … [Read more...]
HTTPS Everywhere makes its way to Firefox for Android
The Electronic Frontier Foundation announced the availability of the HTTPS Everywhere add-in on Firefox for Android. HTTPS Everywhere helps secure communications by automatically escalating the website you are using to the https version instead of the unencrypted http traffic, where available. This can make your web traffic much more secure and less prone to prying eyes. The … [Read more...]