A popular and convenient way of deploying software is to use Microsoft's Group Policy to assign packages (.msi files). I posted the various products I had found earlier with the post Making Setup.exe into Setup.msi. Mozilla does not offer a .MSI file for easy deployment and management. It seems to me that this would be a great direction for Mozilla to push for as it would make … [Read more...]
Use Remote Desktop to Control a Current Session
This is for Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003. If you want to use Remote Desktop to control a session already logged in at the console (physically at and logged into the machine) instead of starting a new session (Windows Server 2003 default) or kicking off the current user (Windows XP default), use the following commands to achieve this. Problem: I am logged … [Read more...]
Bandwidth Monitoring – Bandwidth Meters for the Comcast Internet Cap
Comcast recently announced that starting in October there would be a hard cap on how much bandwidth its customers could use on a month to month basis. There is currently no way of checking how much bandwidth Comcast thinks you have used. From their FAQ: How does Comcast help its customers track their usage so they can [sic]avoid exceeding the limit? There are many online … [Read more...]
Making Setup.exe into Setup.msi
This post is a little different from the usual how-to or (lite) software review. This is the result of a decent amount of time spent researching the topic of converting Setup.exe (executables) into .MSI files so that they can be easily deployed and managed through Group Policy. Where I'm at currently with this project is that I first tried WinInstall 2003LE and successfully … [Read more...]
Make Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat use “Print as Image” setting by default
For certain printers, certain PDF documents, and certain print setups, using the "Print as Image" setting in Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader is the only way to reliably get a print job to succeed. To get to this setting, you would go File -> 1. Print -> 2. Advanced (button) -> 3. Print as Image (checkbox) -> 4. Ok -> 5. Ok (PDF prints). This is a rather buried … [Read more...]