Xobni ('inbox' backwards) is an extension for Outlook that looks good and offers a lot of real conveniences that can make the e-mail jungle a little more manageable. Along with the 'makes Outlook/e-mail better' features, it also offers some statistics and an interesting analysis on e-mail habits. Xobni, as a sidebar in Outlook, brings a wide-variety of services with it and … [Read more...]
Week of Google Code Summary, TortoiseSVN, and SCons… Oh my!
I hope the past week highlighting different Google Code projects has been worthwhile for all involved. Google Code is a great resource for developers and others working with Open Source projects. It's also a great directory listing for individuals to find the programs they need or a project to join if they are so inclined and talented. If you want to check out the source code … [Read more...]
A Week of Google Code, Day 5: Unregistry
While looking around for a particular utility, I ended up on Google Code just dredging through all the projects they have online. As I went through, I kept opening tabs to more and more applications that sounded interesting. I found enough applications worth sharing that I decided to post one per day this week and highlight some hidden treasures of Google Code. Day #5: … [Read more...]
Postbox: a Facelift (and More!) for Thunderbird
Postbox is an e-mail client built off of Mozilla's Thunderbird code. It includes a little bit of a facelift and a lot of cool new features. I'm currently transitioning from Thunderbird to Outlook, personally, but after going a few rounds with Postbox (which is in version 1.0 beta 12) it seems that if you're using Thunderbird you might as well be using Postbox. You can see … [Read more...]
A Week of Google Code, Day 4: SymLinker
While looking around for a particular utility, I ended up on Google Code just dredging through all the projects they have online. As I went through, I kept opening tabs to more and more applications that sounded interesting. I found enough applications worth sharing that I decided to post one per day this week and highlight some hidden treasures of Google Code. Day #4: … [Read more...]