Google provided an Android Security State of the Union 2014 yesterday. It addresses steps they have taken to make Android a safe ecosystem and how they responded to learning of new vulnerabilities. The result is a 44 page report available as a PDF. It’s lengthy, so if you’ve only got a minute, we pulled out a few of the key findings here: Over 1 billion devices are protected … [Read more...]
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.1.4 brings new UI redesign
Malwarebyte Anti-Malware has landed and is now rolling out as an update. The biggest change with this version is the user interface redesign. We summarized much of the criticism and shared mock-up photos of the coming redesign back in October. While the UI redesign was originally aiming for a December release, it appears the delay was worth it to provide a refined … [Read more...]
Pwn2Own 2015 event results
Pwn2Own 2015 begins today and continues into tomorrow at the CanSecWest conference. The targets for exploitation have been announced and so have the seven contestants that have signed up. Each contestant has 30 minutes to demonstrate their exploit and the order of the contestants will be determined by random drawing. Targets Prizes Contestants Google Chrome (64-bit) on … [Read more...]
Panda Cloud and Antivirus false positive hits hard
Users of Panda antivirus products have been fighting a false positive all day today. The antivirus reportedly detects Windows Updates, Microsoft Office, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and other common software titles as "suspicious items" and moves .exe and .dll files to quarantine. This can break applications or in worst cases even cause computers to not boot properly. Some … [Read more...]
Practicing good hygiene when it comes to IT security
Hygiene is the practice of maintaining good health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness. When it comes to human beings, hygiene can refer to many things including brushing your teeth, flossing, showering, and other good practices. The habit part of practicing good hygiene is the part that interests practical IT security. Good hygiene in IT would consist of … [Read more...]