Autoruns is a useful Sysinternals utility for Windows computers to quickly check all of the places a program can hook into Windows to launch automatically. This is useful for troubleshooting annoying behaviors of applications or malware infections. A similar application for Mac OS X is called KnockKnock. KnockKnock (UI) is a native Objective-C, portable application that you … [Read more...]
Dell, Verizon, and Symantec 2015 Security Reports
Following the first quarter of the year, many technology companies will publish their security reports. Verizon, Symantec, and Dell have published their reports this year and provide insights into the security landscape. Attacks on SCADA, increasing cyberthreat sophistication, and bigger, faster attacks are all noted in the reports. Scary times but knowledge can only help … [Read more...]
Biometrics and Disney characters
Biometric authentication uses a trait about the person to positively identify them before granting access. Whereas a password is something you have to know, a biometric is something you are. Biometrics can be divided into physiological characteristics or behavioral characteristics. Some examples of biometrics include: fingerprints, palm veins, face recognition, DNA, palm … [Read more...]
HackerOne, a platform for bug bounty programs
HackerOne is a platform for companies to use for their "bug bounty" programs. It provides the means to receive, manage, and reward bug reports. By adding consistency and organization to the bug report process, HackerOne makes it a better experience for both the security researchers and the company. As a startup, HackerOne has some surprisingly large customers including Adobe, … [Read more...]
CryptoMonitor presented as freemium solution to ransomware like CryptoLocker/CryptoWall
Encrypting ransomware will encrypt your files and then charge money for the key to decrypt them. Some of these malicious ransomware products go by the names: CryptoWall, CryptoLocker, CTB Locker, CryptorBit, KeyHolder, TeslaCrypt, Operation Global, TorrentLocker, CryptoDefense, ZeroLocker, and others. If your computer or a computer in your organization were hit by this … [Read more...]