Last Fall, TippingPoint was acquired by Trend Micro from Hewlett-Packard. As a major sponsor, this brought into question if Pwn2Own would continue. More details have been revealed to confirm that Pwn2Own 2016 will take place in conjunction with the CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver. In addition to confirming Pwn2Own 2016, it was revealed that the hacking competition … [Read more...] launches The Malware Museum to preserve DOS viruses
The Malware Museum is a collection of malware programs, usually viruses, that were distributed in the 1980s and 1990s on home computers. Once they infected a system, they would sometimes show animation or messages that you had been infected. Through the use of emulations, and additionally removing any destructive routines within the viruses, this collection allows you to … [Read more...]
Google targets deceptive download buttons
Google announced that they will be working to end deceptive download and play buttons on sites. These often function as ads on websites offering downloads or streaming videos and are luring unsuspecting victims to click which will then take them to suspicious sites or download unwanted software. Google has identified these fake buttons and is responding to them in kind with … [Read more...]
Microsoft releases EMET 5.5
Microsoft has released an update to their Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit. The free security tool can be installed on client computers to prevent sophisticated attacks that traditional antivirus might miss such as DEP, ASLR, and other threats. This update brings EMET up to version 5.5. From Microsoft's Security Research and Defense blog, new functionality … [Read more...]
Intel Insider Threat Field Guide
Intel released a white paper on the topic of security threats from insiders. Insiders are a particular challenge because you have to give them certain access and capabilities in order to do their jobs. This white paper tries to explain the risk of insiders. Reducing ambiguity and implementing best practices like separation of duties and the principle of least privilege can help … [Read more...]