I passed by this book on display at my local library a few times before I actually picked up 62 Projects to Make with a Dead Computer and I initially picked it up as a skeptic. From the first time I saw the cover of the book, I kept thinking "what about the heavy metals or capacitors and electricity?". When it comes to computer repair, you'll often here the stories about how … [Read more...]
Book Review: Dissecting The Hack – The Forb1dd3n Network
Dissecting the Hack: The Forb1dd3n Network by Jason E. Street and Kent Nabors has been sitting on my night stand forever, just waiting for me to read it. I originally got it in the mail from the publisher in exchange for reprinting rights for my article on Helix. (That's right, 404 Tech Support has been cited in published work!) I'm finally getting to that review even though … [Read more...]
Product Review: ScreenDeck – A Shelf For Your HDTV Accessories
After I bought my surround sound system I had a problem with the center speaker. It didn't really have a good place to be. In front of the TV it blocked any subtitles, so we tried behind it, which just looked awkward and didn't do great for the sound. About that same time, I learned about ScreenDeck, a shelf specifically made to attach to 37 to 47-inch flatscreen TVs. Since … [Read more...]
Product Review: Logitech Harmony One – A Smart Universal Remote
My home theater system consists of a Samsung LED LCD HDTV, a TiVo Premiere (which has a cable card and replaces the cable box), an Onkyo A/V Receiver, and a Sony PlayStation 3 for games (Marvel vs Capcom 3 being the latest) and playing DVDs/BluRay films. I say this not to brag (because I know many people with better systems and stronger brand preferences) but to paint an … [Read more...]
Product Review: Evolve Ladybug Water-Saving Showerhead
Although not computer technology, the Evolve Ladybug showerhead is energy-saving, water-saving, and cost-saving technology, all of which are other interests of mine. The Ladybug is a three-inch long adapter that fits on the end of your shower pipe between the showerhead. It's designed to turn your shower down to a trickle as soon as the cold water is flushed from the pipe and … [Read more...]