Ran into an instance of the Print Spooler service (spoolsv.exe) crashing continuously on a few machines. This seemed to be tied to a recent update and a particular printer. Early speculation pointed to the BrPrint print processor used by Brother printers and the Dell 1700. Since the Print Spooler was crashing, I was unable to delete printers, adjust drivers, or adjust the … [Read more...]
Script Your Default Printer
To set your default printer with a batch script, you can use the printui.dll. Just specify the name of the printer in the quotes and you can specify your default printer at logon (put your defaultprinter.bat in your startup folder). @REM Set default printer receipt rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "Receipt Printer" /q … [Read more...]
Epson TM-88IV Documentation
Epson has a serious lack of documentation for its TM-88III and TM-88IV printers. We have been replacing any failing TM-88III printers with network-based TM-88IV printers. The IV model is much faster and the network form is more reliable than the USB or Parallel versions we have had in the past. The USB/Parallel versions were hooked up to one machine and typically shared through … [Read more...]
Print Migrator
Ever wish you could copy/paste printers from one computer to another? Well, this is about as close as you're going to get. Using Microsoft's Print Migrator 3.1 tool, you can grab a snapshot of printers installed, their names, their ports, and (most of) their drivers. The tool will save a .cab file to whereever you specify and you can then use this .cab file to restore the … [Read more...]
Windows and non-letter sized printers as default = pain
At work I stumbled my way into a problematic situation that was as unique as it was complicated. Given its uniqueness, I couldn't find any solutions online or even much discussion about this problem before. Hopefully this post will save anybody from being in my exact situation because there is now at least one location on the web discussing this problem of having a non-letter … [Read more...]