Amongst other surveys, one is frequently cited that says a second monitor will increase productivity by an average of 42 percent (Jon Peddie Research). Now you can take a second monitor and its productivity gain with you. MEDL Tech has announced the world's first portable 13.3" LCD monitor which they're calling The Panel. The Panel has as many practical applications as a … [Read more...]
Degaussing Hard Drives
Wednesday, I was able to check off another one of those things on the 'To Do at least Once in your IT Career' list by degaussing hard drives. Degaussing a hard drive means using a device that generates a strong electromagnetic field to wipe the data on the drive. This is an important step that I've mentioned before in the 'Before you Recycle/Garbage that Old Computer' article … [Read more...]
From Parts to PC – A Guide to Building a Computer in 25 Easy Steps
After years of working with computers: taking out and replacing components, opening them up, upgrading them, and generally being comfortable inside them, I built my first PC years ago. I'm mostly self-taught on building computers, but I've got a number of from-scratch computers under my belt now and thinking about it, once you have the parts it's pretty straight forward. This … [Read more...]
Google Voice Officially Goes Mobile, Device-Agnostic
Early Tuesday morning, Google announced the launching of a revamped Google Voice mobile site. This web app allows Google to circumvent restrictive factors like Apple's App Store. It also makes the app relatively device agnostic. Though it is only currently supported by the Palm Pre and iPhones with OS 3.0 or higher, the app would work for any phone supporting HTML 5 in its … [Read more...]
Product Review: Sprint’s Airave Femtocell
The inside of my apartment was a cell phone dead zone (cue creepy music left-over from Halloween) and I've written about the problem before. My first attempt at a solution, the zBoost zPersonal Cell Phone Signal Booster, fell flat and didn't do anything to boost my signal (in fact, it was hard to tell if it was doing anything at all). Fortunately, Amazon allowed me to return it … [Read more...]