Day 3 of the Consumer Electronics Show, the first day that is not a weekday, had some interesting stories but less big reveals. Here are some of those highlights: Twitter-Embedded phones, TVs, and more A Summary of the best new mobile phones revealed at CES 2011 HTC's New Android 4G Smartphones Hands-on with Samsung LTE 4G Galaxy Tab Logitech Wireless Speaker Adapter for … [Read more...]
CES 2011 – Day 2 Wrap-Up
Day 2 of the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show seems to be significantly quieter than yesterday but there are still some interesting things to report. In Spring 2011, HP Will Debut a WiFi-Connected Mouse - No USB Dongle needed and Longer Battery Life Seagate Universal Storage Module Allows a GoFlex External Storage Device To Connect To PC, TV, DVR or other Polaroid + Creative … [Read more...]
CES 2011 – Day 1 Wrap-Up
It's hard to wrap up things that don't seem to end but here are some of the biggest stories that came out of the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show today. Unfortunately, the cleanest and greatest source of information comes from Press Releases which are cold, factual, and plain, the complete opposite of the buzz CES intends to generate. From around the web, here are those … [Read more...]
The 2011 Consumer Electronics Show – What You Need To Know and What You’ve Already Missed
The Consumer Electronics Show starts tomorrow, January 6th, and goes through January 9th. It's the largest consumer technology tradeshow in the world. In addition to various vendors announcing their latest devices that will be talked about for the rest of the year, there are also awards programs, concerts, competitions, and celebrities. For those of us that are all about the … [Read more...]
iPhone Alarm Rings In 2011 By Not Ringing
If you missed church yesterday, you can blame your iPhone alarm for not going off thanks to a glitch. You'll have to start working on those New Year's resolutions next week. People around the globe complained of being affected by this problem on Facebook and Twitter and news agencies have also picked up the story. From Yahoo! News: Apple said in a message sent to Macworld … [Read more...]