NVIDIA launched their SHIELD Portable last Summer. Now, they have launched a SHIELD tablet and it has the hardware to game with the best of them. The SHIELD tablet is an Android tablet with an NVIDIA Tegra K1 processor on an 8-inch HD display. It includes a DirectStylus 2 stylus, supports microSD cards up to 128GB in size, and a wireless controller using WiFi instead of … [Read more...]
Ask 404TS: What router should I get to improve wireless coverage?
I am looking to improve the WiFi coverage of my home by adding another router to a different room. What do you recommend I get that is within a reasonable price range? I wonder if you wouldn't be served better by adding an additional wireless access point? I could see adding an access point and keeping your existing router unless you want to upgrade it for gigabit speeds and … [Read more...]
A deck of playing cards with a splash of code
Code:deck is a set of playing cards with a bit of code on them to add some color and style. The cards are made by a trio of IT professionals and are available at Varianto25.com. The programming languages on the cards include CSS, HTML, SQL, PHP, JavaScript, Python, C++, and others. The code:deck costs $10 with a flat $5 shipping. The material used for the cards is chrome … [Read more...]
A software toolbox for your solid state drive hardware
Enjoying the benefits of your solid state drive? The faster read/write times, better battery life, and improved durability can certainly justify the upgrade to an SSD but are you getting the most out of it? Many of the top manufacturers of solid state drives have a software "toolbox" to go along with the hardware to configure the best performance. Sometimes a manufacturer only … [Read more...]
Adobe updates Creative Cloud for 2014, Ink and Slide hardware now available
Last year, when Adobe announced they were moving to Adobe Creative Cloud, they also showed off some hardware they were working on. Project Mighty and Project Napoleon were a stylus and ruler combo for the tablet world. Along with updates across the board to Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe's hardware is now available with new names: Adobe Ink & Slide. Adobe Creative Cloud The … [Read more...]