Intel unveiled their 5th generation Intel Core processor family. The 5th generation, or Broadwell-U family, utilizes Intel's 14nm manufacturing process. The new process, combined with architectural enhancements, enables the 5th Generation Intel Core processors to deliver up to 24 percent better graphics performance, up to 50 percent faster video conversion and battery life that … [Read more...]
Watching CES 2015 on January 6-9
The 2015 International Consumer Electronics Show starts tomorrow, January 6th, and runs through January 9th. The topic this year promises to show the largest "Internet of Things" showcase. Of course, there will be tons of products from all other categories too. If the turn-out for the 2015 International CES is anything like last year's conference, over 160,000 attendees will … [Read more...]
How to install HBO Go on the Amazon Fire TV
HBO Go has been one of the missing apps from the Amazon Fire TV since its debut. From an Amazon press release, the HBO Go app is now available on the Fire TV and is coming this Spring for the Fire TV Stick. Will it be in time for Game of Thrones? This article covers the very simple process of installing the HBO Go app on your Fire TV. You can visit the HBO Go app on Amazon's … [Read more...]
Comparison shopping USB 3.0 drives
On my keyring, I currently have a 16GB USB drive and I have been very content with it. However, I've been bumping up against the 16GB of storage recently and using USB 3.0 ports more often. As prices are falling and that horrible U3 software seems to be in the past, I'm starting to think it's time to upgrade but I'm not sure what to go with. The rest of this post is probably me … [Read more...]
Product Review: Amazon Fire TV Stick
I bought the Amazon Fire TV and reviewed it back in April. The Fire TV has a lot going for it - powerful hardware, quality build, and an easy-to-navigate interface. Amazon takes all of the great features of their Fire TV and strips it all down in order to produce them as cheaply as possible. Unfortunately, the quality suffers as does the experience. The Fire TV Stick must … [Read more...]