Samsung sent out a teaser image for the next Galaxy Unpacked event. March 1st, Samsung is expected to announce the next Galaxy S6, the successor to Samsung's flagship phone line. The presentation will begin at 18:30 CET and will be streamed live on This comes a day after HTC has stated they will unveil the next HTC One, the M9. Why so … [Read more...]
Microsoft shows the consumer side of Windows 10 and new hardware
Earlier today, Microsoft held a Windows 10 event to focus on the consumer side of Windows 10 and introduce some new hardware form factors. The session invited press in person to Microsoft's campus in Redmond, Washington while the rest of the world was allowed to watch the presentation over a live stream. The webcast was horribly done with regular buffering, stuttering, and … [Read more...]
Scan-To-Email with Office 365 from a multifunction copier or printer
Updated May 22,2017 Connecting a copier to perform its scan-to-email function using Office 365 is not too difficult if you know the right settings. Microsoft has an Exchange TechNet article on 'How to Allow a Multi-function Device or Application to Send E-mail through Office 365 Using SMTP' which provides three options for creating the connection: SMTP Relay, Client SMTP … [Read more...]
Intel previews an HDMI Compute Stick
The Google Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV Stick, Roku Streaming Stick, and other HDMI-based entertainment devices may have met their match with Intel's recent announcement. Instead of just being a specialized player for streaming video or other content to your TV, Intel has unveiled the Intel Compute Stick. This is different than the Intel Curie product that Intel discussed at CES … [Read more...]
MSI GT80 Titan is a premium gaming laptop
At CES, MSI announced a few new gaming computers. With notebooks and an all-in-one, MSI has a variety of options for the gamer. The GS30 Shadow includes a Gaming Dock, a powerful gaming computer that maintains its portability with a thin profile and low weight. It's the first eGPU supporting desktop graphics fully utilizing the PCIe 3.0x16 bandwidth. The GS30 Shadow is to be … [Read more...]