Intel announced the Intel Compute Stick in January and released the device last week. Positive reviews have not been hard to find but what has been difficult to find has been the device itself. The Intel Compute Stick provides a full Windows 8.1 experience in a tiny form factor that plugs into an available HDMI port on a TV or monitor. It includes a quad-core Intel Atom … [Read more...]
Cable covers to prevent tripping
If you have devices on a conference room table or running across a walkway, you might want to put a cable cover down to reduce the trip hazard. Here are some of those options: Tape Gaffer's tape is commonly used to secure cables. The cloth backing allows more flexibility and the adhesive allows easier removal. Improving on gaff tape, tunnel tape does not have any adhesive in … [Read more...]
Successfully attaching a USB drive to my keychain
I was shopping for a new USB 3.0 drive in recent months and finally found a a great drive at a good price with the SanDisk Ultra Fit. My only complaint was that I was having difficulty attaching it to my keyring to ensure I always had it with me. Coming from the LaCie IAmAKey, this was a very obvious, lacking feature for the Ultra Fit drive. The Ultra Fit does offer a thin … [Read more...]
Amazon enhances Fire TV and Fire TV Stick with free over-the-air update
Amazon's Fire TV and Fire TV Stick faces the same competition as other set-top boxes, Smart TVs, and other smart devices. They can accomplish their task of providing entertainment on the big screen despite their various form factors but it still comes down to one thing... content. Amazon's Fire TV and Fire TV Stick are most beneficial to Amazon Prime members that take advantage … [Read more...]
Valve provides sneak peak at Steam Machines, Controller, and other accessories
Valve has provided new details about their Steam Machines and accessories for their PC gaming innovations. A release date has also been set for November 2015. The final controller is shown with its trackpads, designed to work with even games designed for keyboard + mouse. The Steam Controller is set to cost $49.99 and will be available in November. Experience a new level of … [Read more...]