Intel introduced the 6th generation of Intel Core processors, code named "Skylake". The CPUs are architected with Intel's 14nm manufacturing process. The 6th gen Intel Core processors provide for Thunderbolt 3 via USB Type-C connectors, Intel RealSense Camera sensing, and Intel WiDi. The processors will continue the Core i3, i5, and i7 tiers in addition to the Core m3, m5, and … [Read more...]
Google launches OnHub consumer router to improve WiFi connections at home
Google has announced OnHub, their new home wireless router. Meant to address modern problems with WiFi, OnHub has 13 internal antennas to cover 802.11ac (and previous WiFi standards), Bluetooth, 802.15.4, Weave, with Gigabit WAN and LAN ports. OnHub is created by partnering with TP-LINK to make a smart hub that auto-selects the best WiFi channel, provides auto-QoS, and provides … [Read more...]
Western Digital upgrades Black and Red hard drives to 6TB
Find yourself needing a large amount of storage capacity? You're in luck! WD just announced that they will offer their Performance drives (Black) and NAS drives (Red Pro) in 5TB and 6TB sizes. "Shipping now, WD Red Pro 5 and 6 TB drives leverage an enhanced design and 128 MB cache to deliver data transfer rates of 214 megabytes per second (MB/s). WD Red Pro 6 TB hard drives … [Read more...]
Product Review: Uniden Wireless DVR and Security Cameras
Security cameras have become more prevalent as storage gets cheaper, connectivity improves, and security concerns have grown. The older security cameras that use coaxial cables have improved their resolution but still lag behind IP camera capabilities. Upgrading the older systems isn't as easy as just replacing the cameras. It may be necessary to run a network cable possibly … [Read more...]
Intel announces Xeon CPUs for laptops and next-gen desktop CPUs for enthusiasts
Intel made two exciting announcements in the past week for different audiences. It would seem that there are more on the horizon with the upcoming event, the 2015 Intel Developer Forum, where Intel will hold sessions on topics from gaming to security to Internet of Things and more. As for the announcements we already know, the company revealed plans for notebooks with Xeon … [Read more...]