Granola is a software service that quietly runs in the background and makes use of the hardware-based energy saving feature, Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling. Granola idles down your processor to the level that's appropriate for your usage. I've had it running for a week now and have noticed no problems in regards to performance but it tells me it'll save me quite a bit of … [Read more...]
Greener Electronics
Greenpeace today published their 15th version of their Guide to Greener Electronics. In it, they give companies like Nokia, Apple, HP, Sony, and others a score out of 10 on how the company is doing in important green efforts in the categories of chemicals, e-waste, and energy. The organization has been publishing these guides regularly since August 2006. Our three goals for … [Read more...]
Product Review: HP MultiSeat and Windows MultiPoint Server 2010
At work, we're looking to replace a lab with new computers. These days, that leaves us plenty of options. Normal PC or thin client? Each of those choices has a lot of variants as well. One of the thin client options we're looking into is the HP MultiSeat T100 Thin Client solution. HP's MultiSeat is a pretty interesting setup and falls somewhere between the traditional desktop … [Read more...]
How to Hold a Confidential Print Job at a Shared Printer
One of the low hanging fruits of Green IT recommendations is to replace the 'printer at each desk' model with the 'fewer, higher-capacity printers shared amongst an office' model. In my office, we've been trying to follow this recommendation in order to save electricity, reduce maintenance, and provide printers with increased capabilities to my users. Unfortunately, it's not … [Read more...]
Book Review: CompTIA Strata Green IT
CompTIA just recently announced their CompTIA Strata Green IT certification and as this has been what my job involves lately, I decided to jump on in and see if I could get the certification as soon as possible. The exam certifies that you as an IT Professional have... A specialized knowledge of current IT methodologies The ability to develop, deploy, and calculate true ROI … [Read more...]