With Easter yesterday, it got me thinking about Easter Eggs. Are you aware that there could be hidden little gems in the software you use every day? Some applications, video games, DVDs, and others include little intentional tidbits of code that people might randomly stumble into that shows off some cool feature, display the credits, or are part of some inside joke by the … [Read more...]
Aptana Studio – An IDE for Web Development
Aptana Studio is an IDE, Integrated Development Environment, that specializes in making it easier for web developers to organize and find resources for their projects. Microsoft's Visual Studio and Eclipse are two popular examples of IDEs. Aptana provides a lot of the same type of functionality the Visual Studio does, but specializing in web development. Aptana, now at version … [Read more...]
Friendstaurant – A PHP/MySQL Exercise
I was recently inspired to refresh my PHP and MySQL abilities, so I assigned myself a little bit of a programming challenge. Part of my inspiration also stemmed from never wanting to choose a place to go out to eat with friends, so I crafted the challenge to create a web application that would allow me to randomly choose a restaurant that would please all members attending. … [Read more...]
Palm Mojo SDK for the Palm Pre
I'm now the proud owner of a Palm Pre and I'm looking forward to being able to possibly develop some Apps for it. The SDK for the Palm Pre is currently in pre-release and early access form only. There is also a huge NDA to go along with it. The SDK makes use of Java, Safari (for debugging), and VirtualBox (for emulation) on Windows. You can sign up for early access to the … [Read more...]
Week of Google Code Summary, TortoiseSVN, and SCons… Oh my!
I hope the past week highlighting different Google Code projects has been worthwhile for all involved. Google Code is a great resource for developers and others working with Open Source projects. It's also a great directory listing for individuals to find the programs they need or a project to join if they are so inclined and talented. If you want to check out the source code … [Read more...]