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Let’s get Techy

The information and technology sector is expanding at a rapid rate. With this expansion comes a lot of complexity, and with complexity comes, inevitably, confusion. You don’t have to be part of the baby boomer generation to be confused by technology anymore. The reason for this is that technology is changing and growing, adapting and updating at such a fast pace that it is only natural that the learning curve would become a little tough.

Thankfully, while there is a lot of new and complex technology out there, just as many tech help platforms have popped up to help clear up the confusion as well. So if you find technology to be a dizzying space that you have a hard time keeping up with, don’t fret, we have put together some helpful technology tips to see you through.



Techy Tips

Technology can range from helpful assistant, to nightmarish mess. That is why it is good to have some technology tips and tricks under your belt to help you navigate the tricky waters:

Solar Phone Charging – There have been a lot of natural disasters lately, and they have shown us just how helpless we can feel when we don’t have any power. Even our extremely useful and precious phones are useless without power. That is why many now are turning to the sun to power their devices. So picking up a solar-powered battery pack is a good idea. It could certainly come in handy in the event of a disaster.

Virtual Clients – Have you ever left home to go to work only to realize you forgot to email yourself some very important information, documents, videos, or images that you need for work. Rather than turning around and going all the way back home just to send one email, installing a virtual client allows you to access another computer of yours remotely so long as you have internet connection. That is right, you can log in to your computer at home hands free and send the info you need to the computer at work.

Find Your Parked Car – We have all done it. We are distracted or busy and we forget to make a mental note of where we parked our car. Now there are apps that do it for you. Even better, you don’t even need an app. You can just open up Google Maps and drop a pin on your car, then you can just go directly to it whenever you need to. Pretty handy. We have come a long way from customized ringtones.

Call Holding– Being put on hold might be one of the most frustrating things that we as humans deal with currently. Thankfully, some clever people put together an app called Holdr, which will stay on hold for you and call you back when the person you actually want to talk to gets on the line. This is a big time saver and temper saver too.