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182,000 new tech jobs were created in 2016, organized by state

The 2017 report from Cyberstates is out. It tells the job growth in the tech sector for 2016, across the nation, by state, or by metropolitan area. Overall, there were 182,000 net new jobs in 2016. This was around 10 percent of the new jobs added to the US economy.

Key findings of the report include:

The top 10 states for tech sector employment are California, Texas, New York, Florida, Massachusetts, Virginia, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Michigan.

State : Jobs added in 2016 : total tech sector jobs

Alabama : 875

Alaska : -234

Arizona : 2,545

Arkansas: 700

California : 48,500

Colorado : 6,700

Connecticut : 1,903

Delaware : -1,984

District of Columbia* : -155

Florida : 9,600

Georgia : 6,600

Hawaii : -47

Idaho : 566

Illinois : 2,973

Indiana : 1,771

Iowa : -834

Kansas : -841

Kentucky : -423

Louisiana : -350

Maine : 176

Maryland : 1,335

Massachusetts : 9,400

Michigan : 10,700

Minnesota : 2,226

Mississippi : -438

Missouri : 3,233

Montana : 563

Nebraska : 825

Nevada : 804

New Hampshire : 864

New Jersey : 1,941

New Mexico : 139

New York : 11,200

North Carolina : 11,000

North Dakota : 53

Ohio : 5,000

Oklahoma : -388

Oregon : 3,550

Pennsylvania : 5,000

Rhode Island : -119

South Carolina : 1,983

South Dakota : 394

Tennessee : -582

Texas : 11,000

Utah : 4,900

Vermont : -151

Virginia : 4,100

Washington : 10,600

West Virginia : -124

Wisconsin : 3,909

Wyoming : -178

You can use an interactive map to explore the data or read the full report at cyberstates.org.