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NIST launches cyber security self-assessment tools for organizations

NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, created and released their Cybersecurity Framework in 2014. A collaborative process from industry, academia and government agencies through NIST has now released a draft of the Baldrige Cybersecurity Excellence Builder, which is a self-assessment tool that organizations can follow to understand their risk management efforts when it comes to cybersecurity.

Using the Builder, organizations of all sizes and types can:

The Baldrige Cybersecurity Excellence Builder is a PDF available from nist.gov. The draft walks you through leadership, strategy, customers, measurement, analysis, and knowledge management, workforce, and operations processes. A rubric is provided to allow you to evaluate your responses and determine the maturity level as reactive, early, mature, or role model across process and results factors. A glossary is also included to define the terms used throughout the document.

Check it out to get a feeling for areas where your organization is striving or areas to work on. Then provide feedback to baldrigecybersecurity@nist.gove in order to make the Builder better for everyone.