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Vidcomet proposes video responses take over the comments section of websites

Vidcomet is in the early stages of launching a video commenting platform. You can currently sign up for early access to be notified when the pilot program launches on the company website.

Vidcomet will be implemented as a WordPress plugin with hopes of changing website interactions. Currently, you might type out a comment in response to a website article. Vidcomet wants to allow you to record a short video with your response and upload it to the site.

The video commenting platform would allow the user to get the Vidcomet app for their phone, record their video comment, and upload it to the Vidcomet servers. The video response will then be embedded in the original blog’s comment section, after going through a recognition engine to test for spam and other low quality postings.

If this sounds like an interesting addition to your website, check out the video below and vidcomet.com.