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Kali Linux 2.0 released

Kali Linux, the popular penetration testing live CD, has reached an important milestone: version 2.0.

So, what’s new in Kali 2.0? There’s a new 4.0 kernel, now based on Debian Jessie, improved hardware and wireless driver coverage, support for a variety of Desktop Environments (gnome, kde, xfce, mate, e17, lxde, i3wm), updated desktop environment and tools – and the list goes on. But these bulletpoint items are essentially a side effect of the real changes that have taken place in our development backend.

Kali Linux 2.0 is updated to include newer packages of the many tools that it has come to be known for. In an effort to keep these utilities up-to-date, Kali Linux is now based on a rolling distribution to pull the latest packages from Debian Testing.

Kali Linux 2.0 has many more changes and updated images for various hardware including VMware/VirtualBox and ARM images for Chromebooks and other platforms. You can learn more about the latest release from the Kali Linux 2.0 announcement.