MR. ROBOT is a psychological thriller that follows Elliot (Rami Malek, “24”), a young programmer, who works as a cyber security engineer by day and a vigilante hacker by night. Elliot finds himself at a crossroads when the mysterious leader (Christian Slater, “The Adderall Diaries”) of an underground hacker group recruits him to destroy the corporation he is paid to protect. Compelled by his personal beliefs, Elliot struggles to resist the chance to take down the multinational CEOs he believes are running (and ruining) the world. The series also stars Portia Doubleday (“Her”), Carly Chaikin (“Suburgatory”) and Martin Wallström (“Simple Simon”).
The full pilot of Mr. Robot is available from the USA Network website. The pilot episode is titled EPS1.0_HELLOFRIEND.MOV. Technology and fictional TV do not usually work well together when you care about technical accuracy (see CSI: Cyber) but initial reviews for Mr. Robot have been more generous. You can watch the first episode and decide for yourself.