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Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.1.4 brings new UI redesign

Malwarebyte Anti-Malware has landed and is now rolling out as an update. The biggest change with this version is the user interface redesign. We summarized much of the criticism and shared mock-up photos of the coming redesign back in October. While the UI redesign was originally aiming for a December release, it appears the delay was worth it to provide a refined product.

While the old interface of MBAM 2.0 was frequently compared to fake AV by the technical crowd, MBAM 2.1 brings a simpler interface that also works for the novice user. The banner ads are gone from the Dashboard, as are the garish colors and alarming colors for minor notifications from the program. Cleaner, minimalist banners are on the bottom of the scan progress window but are not distracting and don’t feel like they’re trying to upsell you.

Below is a screenshot from my own MBAM Premium subscription in its happy state.


The process to initiate a scan has also been re-worked to be more straight-forward without jumping ahead.


The scan progress window clearly shows each step of the scan while providing useful information as it moves toward completion.


To compare these new screenshots to the MBAM 2.0 look, see our October 2014 article ‘A new UI for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware in the works‘.

The announcement for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.1.4 was made last week and new downloads were updated. Existing installs have been getting update prompts this week. The following improvements, issues fixed, and known issues were listed in the announcement release notes. It indicates that there were plenty of changes made under the hood to keep Malwarebytes a great tool along with a new coat of paint.


Issues Fixed:

Known Issues: