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CBS 60 Minutes reports on credit card breaches, interviews Brian Krebs

CBS’s 60 Minutes had a segment this past Sunday on the topic of credit card breaches. Given the number of attacks at large retailers like Target, Home Depot, Michaels, PF Chang’s, Dairy Queen, Jimmy Johns, and others, credit card breaches are making headlines and costing companies millions. Home Depot reported that its breach has cost the company over $43 million in the third quarter.

The 60 Minutes segment discusses cyber security for retailers, talks with security vendor FireEye and the Secret Service, and interviewed journalist Brian Krebs who has been the first to report many of the breaches. Brian Krebs wrote about being on 60 Minutes and provided a behind-the-scenes look on his own site.

You can watch the 13 minute video or read the transcript at CBSNews.com.