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PushBullet adds convenience to sharing between desktop and Android

PushBullet allows you to push text, URLs, or pictures between your phone and your computer with a Chrome or Firefox extension.

For a while, I have had it in the back of my mind to find a solution for connecting my computer and my phone. Typing with Swype or the Google keyboard on Android makes it pretty pain free but URLs still suck. One example would keep coming up at home: I would find a recipe to make for dinner on my desktop computer. I could then either transpose the recipe to paper or bring it up on my laptop or Galaxy S III smartphone. To type the URL into the phone, I found pretty cumbersome. I could email myself the URL and then open it on the phone but it seemed like an unnecessary step. Fortunately, for people like me, there is PushBullet.

From Android, PushBullet allows you to push Notes, Links, Addresses, Lists, Pictures, and Files to others. Google+ auto-backup of photos made it very easy to get photos from your phone but PushBullet could be an equally viable solution.

With the Chrome extension or Firefox addon, PushBullet can be used from your computer. You can receive pushes from your device or send them. You can click the icon in the extension area or right-click a page or selection of text and choose to push the URL or a screenshot of the page to your device.

When you receive a push, you (optionally) receive a little Chrome desktop notification allowing you to access the image or text file. You can also choose to mirror notifications to your Android device to your computer. If your phone chirps while you’re using your computer, this can mean you don’t have to pull out your phone to see why. PushBullet will pass along the notification to your computer, so you can see what it was and even dismiss it on your device.

Pushes from your computer to your Android device shows up as a standard push notification. From the notification, you can just tap it and have the URL open in your default browser, copy it, or share it very easily.

PushBullet adds a lot of convenience to passing information between your computer and your Android device. PushBullet says an iOS app is coming soon. You can also see the pushes by signing in with your Google account to the PushBullet website. I would certainly recommend checking out PushBullet if you find yourself passing information between devices.