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The impact of iOS7 on networks

iOS7 is apple’s latest operating system for iPhones and iPads. The update came out last week and put a few networks through their paces, particularly at universities where thousands of students might have tried to download the update as soon as it was released. The update for some configurations was 1.2GB in size and with different configurations requiring separate downloads, even caching solutions had their problems keeping up.

Following the update, several network administrators published images of their network traffic. The reports show the update spike taking networks with even several gigabits of bandwidth nearly reaching full capacity.

Many were also commenting that it broke previously observed records during NCAA basketball March Madness tournaments. Even ISP links were reportedly near saturation.

Note the sudden spike:

With smaller offices, you might even be able to see individuals update after Apple’s servers timed out and started having issues handling the traffic. With each spike, a user was finally able to connect.

Conan O’Brien encountered his own problems when trying to upgrade: