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Bill Gates 2.0 on 60 Minutes

Bill Gates appeared on 60 Minutes yesterday. He was able to show off some of the technology that his foundation is pushing to be developed. Some of the work is working to wipe out diseases, improve vaccine delivery, and improve clean water to developing nations. With interests as varied as reinventing the toilet to improving nuclear fusion, Bill Gates seems hardly satisfied with how much impact he has already had on the world.

He also talked about Steve Jobs and changing as an individual to become a different person while still channeling the drive of his youth that he invested in Microsoft when solving some of these global problems.

Most of the work being done is through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The organization has done many great things all over the world. From providing libraries with granted computers and software to vaccines around the world, the Foundation has had a huge impact on many people.

You can watch the segment on the CBS News website.

In addition, there was a 60 Minutes Overtime video and article reflecting on the interview and the emotional side Bill Gates showed during the interview.

The video also mentioned Bill’s interest in reading and sharing his notes on his personal website. At www.thegatesnotes.com, he also reflected on the interview with Charlie Rose, so you can see Bill Gates’ perspective as well.