Remember the Choose Your Own Adventure book series? They were certainly one of my favorites growing up. Many years later, I am pleasantly surprised to find Palo Alto Networks has a new one published called Data Center of Doom.
The book reads through a network security architect working for an early-stage pharmaceutical company. As Choose Your Own Adventure books do, you get an introduction and various points in the story where you get to choose the path you take next. Thinking about it, COYA books could be a great way to do a job interview (does a candidate have good decision making skills) or training (gamify the process to learn new configurations and possible outcomes).
Supposedly physical copies of the book exists but in the meantime you can read the copy online. It is still ‘Coming Soon’ on Palo Alto Networks’ site but at provides a copy in Adobe Flash that you can virtually flip through.
Underneath each page, you can click the ‘Go to page ##’ to jump directly to it. If you would like a more permanent copy, you can grab a PDF copy. It’s less elegant and doesn’t link between pages but it does the job quite nicely.
Enjoy it for the entertainment value on this Monday getting back to the grind.