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Use the HP SoftPaq Download Manager to simplify downloading drivers

Supporting a lot of computers can be a daunting task and it’s even more daunting when the computers are a variety of brands and models. One tedious part of supporting multiple models is having to download the needed drivers. Dell has a pretty nice setup where you can download a single .cab file from their site that contains all of the latest drivers you might need for a model. HP’s approach uses a separate desktop application called the HP SoftPaq Download Manager that is pretty flexible.

The HP SoftPaq Download Manager is an 8MB download and should definitely help the IT Pro in charge of HP PCs. Even if you only have a single model, the utility can simplify the process of rebuilding computer by allowing you to find the drivers, firmware, software, and utilities you need or even just grab their latest version. You can drill down by operating system, filter by OS and language, and sort by priority/category. The columns also show the different versions currently available.

To grab the files you want, just check the box in that row and download in one easy batch.

Partnered with the HP System Software Manager and you could be running an up-to-date organization quite efficiently.