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XKCD hits the Nail On The Head for Troubleshooting

A long-time problem to anybody that has tried to solve their own problems by looking online is that there are often suggested solutions but rarely confirmations. If you land on a forum where somebody was complaining about the exact same problem you’re dealing with now, it’s nice to have the confirmation that the same problem exists for somebody else out there as well. The thread might go back and forth with people making suggestions and the person reporting back that it didn’t work. However, there is rarely the confirmation of what fixed the problem. The person just seems to drop off the face of the planet or as more entertainingly depicted in today’s XKCD titled Wisdom of the Ancients:

All long help threads should have a sticky globally-editable post at the top saying 'DEAR PEOPLE FROM THE FUTURE: Here's what we've figured out so far ...'

I really wish there was a flag to mark a thread as unresolved and then Google would ignore those in the results.