WordPress 3.1 just came out and one of the more prominent features it brings is a gray admin bar at the top of your site while you’re logged in and viewing the front-end. I can see this as being very useful for individual-run sites and power bloggers but I’m afraid too many of my customers are going to be concerned that normal visitors will see the bar or it skews their perspective of the site. It’s a great feature and can easily be enabled or disabled as you please.
To disable or remove the gray bar, just hop into your admin side of the site. Under the Users menu on the left, click ‘Your Profile’. Then, under your Personal Options just check or uncheck the settings for ‘Show Admin Bar’ how you’d like: when viewing site or in dashboard.
There are a lot of new features with WordPress 3.1, so be sure to give them a shot before just disabling them. They could wind up making your blogging more efficient.