404 Tech Support

Light-Bot 2.0 – A Game Teaching Programming

I enjoyed writing my last post that covered a tech-related Flash game, Manufactoria, and others seemed to enjoy it as well. So, I think this can be a welcome addition to the topics that 404 Tech Support writes about mostly because I’ve found and been enjoying another Flash game. This game is called Light-Bot 2.0 and requires the player to implement computer programming-like logic to complete the different puzzles.

Light-Bot 2.0 has several different levels to be played through the explore the basics of issuing commands and code re-use through functions as well as going through recursion, conditionals, and expert levels. There is also a Level Editor where you can create your own levels and then you can share them through the Armor Games network. You can then access the games others have shared through the User Levels area of Light-Bot 2.0.

Light-Bot’s main objective is to light up the blue panels on each level. You can issue him commands to walk forward 1 tile, jump, turn either direction, or turn on the light bulb on his head to light the panel. As you advance, you’ll also get to direct his programming to different functions, use breaks, and even make these commands conditional.

Once you have your programming completed (or at any point), you can hit the Run button to see how your instructions are doing towards completing the objective. If the commands ran and all the panels are lit up by the end, you’ll automatically move onto the next level. I really wish your code was saved so you could come back and review it but alas it is not. Striving for efficiency or sharing solutions with friends could be a great addition to this game just as it is for Manufactoria.

This puzzle game starts off simple but gets complicated quickly as you use the main method to call the other functions and need to spot the patterns you can exploit for translating your bot’s moves into code. I’ve had fun playing the game and I can easily see how it could be used to explain the basics and intermediate concepts of procedural programming.

Take it for a spin and have some fun with Light-Bot 2.0 this weekend!