404 Tech Support

iGoogle Supports Secure Gmail Again!

The previously reported problem of no longer being able to access Gmail through the iGoogle gadget can be repealed. Previously reported April 29, 2009, you can now use the Gmail setting “Always use https” AND be able to access your Gmail account with the official, and (now) fully functional Gmail gadget.

The original error message, below, has finally gone away this morning.

The Gmail gadget does not support the “Always use https” setting that you chose in full Gmail. If you would like to use https, please open full Gmail. Learn More


You can read about the beginning of the incident from the 404 Tech Support article iGoogle Stops Supporting Secure Gmail?. You can also read more about the recommended “Always use https” setting from another 404 Tech Support article: Gmail Helps with your Security Concerns, pt. 2. If you reverted the setting just so that Gmail would work in iGoogle, I would recommend reverting it back. It is also recommended that you access your iGoogle page through an https url as well: https://www.google.com/ig?

Just as there was no word from Google when the problem originally started (except for a support employee’s comments in this thread), nothing on the Official Gmail Blog, Official Google Blog, or iGoogle Developer Blog yet.

We’ll hope it’s around to stay this time. Yay! iGoogle is useful again!